Erosion Prevention Solutions Company | Ginalsah Miami


Combinamos materias primas de la más alta calidad con tecnologías que permiten soluciones ecológicas innovadoras y personalizadas. Fabricamos y distribuimos los siguientes productos::

Mega Bag


El MEGABAG es nuestro producto estrella. Fabricadas con geotextil de polipropileno fibrilado de alta resistencia y elongación, las Megabags de Ginalsah son una excelente solución para el control de la erosión y el equilibrio suelo-agua en áreas propensas a inundaciones.

Especificaciones Técnicas

El Megabag está hecho con geotextil de alta resistencia y alta permeabilidad capaz de resistir condiciones adversas. Las Megabags de Ginalsah están cosidas con hilo protegido Deltafast UV de poliéster o polipropileno.

Sheet Pile


Soluciones para proteger las costas de la erosión y los daños causados por las tormentas. Fabricadas con una mezcla basada en poliuretano, fibra de vidrio y resinas especialmente diseñadas, nuestras láminas de pilotes complementan como un elemento estructural de alta resistencia, que no se corroen ni contaminan y tienen una vida útil de 50 años.


Usos del Producto

Ayudan a sostener y proteger nuestras riberas, puertos, canales y son estéticamente y ecológicamente amigables para construir muros marítimos y de retención. .





Los sistemas de geodren de Ginalsah son una excelente y práctica solución para evacuar el agua infiltrada y filtrar otros elementos y partículas diminutas. Nuestros geodrenes también son una manera práctica y rentable de reemplazar los sistemas de drenaje fabricados convencionalmente.

Los geodrenes de Ginalsah pueden ser utilizados, entre otros campos, en Ingeniería Ambiental y Civil como soluciones para el drenaje de aguas pluviales en grandes áreas, así como para el drenaje de aguas subterráneas y biogás.

Usos del Producto

Ingeniería Ambiental, Ingeniería Civil, Minería .





Las Geoestructuras de Ginalsah están hechas con tela de geotextil espiral de poliéster o polipropileno. Estas estructuras están diseñadas para lograr la máxima resistencia con el mínimo deterioro del geotextil.

 Usos del Producto

Solución Práctica para Problemas Complejos, tales como:

Descontaminación de estanques, lagos, ensenadas, vías navegables y ríos

Separación de aguas residuales y filtración de materiales peligrosos

Drenaje práctico del agua


Las Geoestructuras de Ginalsah están hechas con tela de geotextil espiral de poliéster o polipropileno. Estas estructuras están diseñadas para lograr la máxima resistencia con el mínimo deterioro del geotextil.

 Usos del Producto

Solución Práctica para Problemas Complejos, tales como:

Descontaminación de estanques, lagos, ensenadas, vías navegables y ríos

Separación de aguas residuales y filtración de materiales peligrosos

Drenaje práctico del agua


Presto Geosystems Solutions are designed for porous pavements with a variety of fillers and to suit most soil conditions with a suitable base. Either to protect the lawn or confine aggregate, porous pavement solutions provide structural support traffic loads and benefits of rainwater.

Product Uses
Lawn & Porous Pavement: Porous Pavement System GEOBLOCK® 5150 provides excellent protection 5cm lawn and distributes heavy traffic loads. The rigid design offers the highest flexural modulus and resistance to torsional load voltages industry.


Presto Geosystems Solutions are designed for porous pavements with a variety of fillers and to suit most soil conditions with a suitable base. Either to protect the lawn or confine aggregate, porous pavement solutions provide structural support traffic loads and benefits of rainwater.

Product Uses
Lawn & Porous Pavement:Porous Pavement System GEOPAVE® is the only system designed specifically for industry aggregate fill. The strong interconnection system provides the highest load distribution, and the bottom of monolithic mesh keeps the aggregate fixed in place.


Presto Geosystems Solutions are designed for porous pavements with a variety of fillers and to suit most soil conditions with a suitable base. Either to protect the lawn or confine aggregate, porous pavement solutions provide structural support traffic loads and benefits of rainwater.

Product Uses
Lawn & Porous Pavement: The GEOBLOCK® Porous Pavement System protects the lawn and distributes traffic burden. The system requires less Geoblock® basis for the same performance many cobblestones industry competitors cannot outdo (up loads H-20).


Ginalsah is a proud member of Presto Geosystems® distribution network.

Product Uses
Scour protection and Mats TransitionMats protect GEORUNNER® outputs, scour and erosion embankments for a much less cost compared to competitors. The flexible and open design fits the contours of rough terrain, eliminating gaps under the mats and promoting maximum density of vegetation. The fully integrated system connects from side to side and end to end.



Ginalsah is a proud member of Presto Geosystems® distribution network. As such we carry and distribute the GEOWEB®, a system that greatly improves the performance of soils by confining and stabilizing them in the system’s high- strength network of interconnected cells. This three-dimensional system is an economic and effective Solution to challenging Soil Stability problems in Load Support, Slope, Channel, and Shoreline Protection, and Vegetated Retaining Wall/Earth Retention applications.

Product Uses
The GEOWEB® System is the original and most complete Geocell system in the world, recognized for its innovation, quality, and long-term performance and a sustainable soil stabilization solution for each the following applications:

Load Bearing
The GEOWEB® system can reduce as much as 50% of the time it takes to stabilize the base, and is the most cost effective solution for the construction of roads and pavements as it requires less expenses in filling site.

Slope Protection and Riberas
GEOWEB® System solves the challenges of slope stability and erosion-prone embankments against sliding forces. The system protects the topsoils sustainable vegetation, permeable accepts aggregate for concrete armored embankments and slopes.

Channel Protection
The system stabilizes and protects GEOWEB® channels exposed to erosive conditions of all types. With proper filling, Geoweb Channels can be designed to support a variety of situations, low flow and intermittent, to high speed and armored channels.

Retaining Walls vegetated
The GEOWEB® system is designed with an open face and retainable walls that protect vegetation and natural elements. The Geoweb walls are structurally sound and produce great performance in different settlements, including soft soil environments.

Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC) tests that have been accredited by the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute – Laboratory.


Delivery & Installation

We deliver our products to your location from our Warehouses in Miami, and offer installation & professional consulting services.


We export products to control oil spills & soil stabilization, as well as, industrial hammers & heavy machinery for construction of harbors and roads. For more information regarding on our line of products and services.


Mega Bag


El MEGABAG es nuestro producto estrella. Fabricadas con geotextil de polipropileno fibrilado de alta resistencia y elongación, las Megabags de Ginalsah son una excelente solución para el control de la erosión y el equilibrio suelo-agua en áreas propensas a inundaciones.

Especificaciones Técnicas

El Megabag está hecho con geotextil de alta resistencia y alta permeabilidad capaz de resistir condiciones adversas. Las Megabags de Ginalsah están cosidas con hilo protegido Deltafast UV de poliéster o polipropileno.

Sheet Pile


Soluciones para proteger las costas de la erosión y los daños causados por las tormentas. Fabricadas con una mezcla basada en poliuretano, fibra de vidrio y resinas especialmente diseñadas, nuestras láminas de pilotes complementan como un elemento estructural de alta resistencia, que no se corroen ni contaminan y tienen una vida útil de 50 años.


Usos del Producto

Ayudan a sostener y proteger nuestras riberas, puertos, canales y son estéticamente y ecológicamente amigables para construir muros marítimos y de retención. .





Los sistemas de geodren de Ginalsah son una excelente y práctica solución para evacuar el agua infiltrada y filtrar otros elementos y partículas diminutas. Nuestros geodrenes también son una manera práctica y rentable de reemplazar los sistemas de drenaje fabricados convencionalmente.

Los geodrenes de Ginalsah pueden ser utilizados, entre otros campos, en Ingeniería Ambiental y Civil como soluciones para el drenaje de aguas pluviales en grandes áreas, así como para el drenaje de aguas subterráneas y biogás.

Usos del Producto

Ingeniería Ambiental, Ingeniería Civil, Minería .





Las Geoestructuras de Ginalsah están hechas con tela de geotextil espiral de poliéster o polipropileno. Estas estructuras están diseñadas para lograr la máxima resistencia con el mínimo deterioro del geotextil.

 Usos del Producto

Solución Práctica para Problemas Complejos, tales como:

Descontaminación de estanques, lagos, ensenadas, vías navegables y ríos

Separación de aguas residuales y filtración de materiales peligrosos

Drenaje práctico del agua


Las Geoestructuras de Ginalsah están hechas con tela de geotextil espiral de poliéster o polipropileno. Estas estructuras están diseñadas para lograr la máxima resistencia con el mínimo deterioro del geotextil.

 Usos del Producto

Solución Práctica para Problemas Complejos, tales como:

Descontaminación de estanques, lagos, ensenadas, vías navegables y ríos

Separación de aguas residuales y filtración de materiales peligrosos

Drenaje práctico del agua



Presto Geosystems Solutions are designed for porous pavements with a variety of fillers and to suit most soil conditions with a suitable base. Either to protect the lawn or confine aggregate, porous pavement solutions provide structural support traffic loads and benefits of rainwater.

Product Uses
Lawn & Porous Pavement: Porous Pavement System GEOBLOCK® 5150 provides excellent protection 5cm lawn and distributes heavy traffic loads. The rigid design offers the highest flexural modulus and resistance to torsional load voltages industry.


Presto Geosystems Solutions are designed for porous pavements with a variety of fillers and to suit most soil conditions with a suitable base. Either to protect the lawn or confine aggregate, porous pavement solutions provide structural support traffic loads and benefits of rainwater.

Product Uses
Lawn & Porous Pavement:Porous Pavement System GEOPAVE® is the only system designed specifically for industry aggregate fill. The strong interconnection system provides the highest load distribution, and the bottom of monolithic mesh keeps the aggregate fixed in place.


Presto Geosystems Solutions are designed for porous pavements with a variety of fillers and to suit most soil conditions with a suitable base. Either to protect the lawn or confine aggregate, porous pavement solutions provide structural support traffic loads and benefits of rainwater.

Product Uses
Lawn & Porous Pavement: The GEOBLOCK® Porous Pavement System protects the lawn and distributes traffic burden. The system requires less Geoblock® basis for the same performance many cobblestones industry competitors cannot outdo (up loads H-20).


Ginalsah is a proud member of Presto Geosystems® distribution network.

Product Uses
Scour protection and Mats TransitionMats protect GEORUNNER® outputs, scour and erosion embankments for a much less cost compared to competitors. The flexible and open design fits the contours of rough terrain, eliminating gaps under the mats and promoting maximum density of vegetation. The fully integrated system connects from side to side and end to end.



Ginalsah is a proud member of Presto Geosystems® distribution network. As such we carry and distribute the GEOWEB®, a system that greatly improves the performance of soils by confining and stabilizing them in the system’s high- strength network of interconnected cells. This three-dimensional system is an economic and effective Solution to challenging Soil Stability problems in Load Support, Slope, Channel, and Shoreline Protection, and Vegetated Retaining Wall/Earth Retention applications.

Product Uses
The GEOWEB® System is the original and most complete Geocell system in the world, recognized for its innovation, quality, and long-term performance and a sustainable soil stabilization solution for each the following applications:

Load Bearing
The GEOWEB® system can reduce as much as 50% of the time it takes to stabilize the base, and is the most cost effective solution for the construction of roads and pavements as it requires less expenses in filling site.

Slope Protection and Riberas
GEOWEB® System solves the challenges of slope stability and erosion-prone embankments against sliding forces. The system protects the topsoils sustainable vegetation, permeable accepts aggregate for concrete armored embankments and slopes.

Channel Protection
The system stabilizes and protects GEOWEB® channels exposed to erosive conditions of all types. With proper filling, Geoweb Channels can be designed to support a variety of situations, low flow and intermittent, to high speed and armored channels.

Retaining Walls vegetated
The GEOWEB® system is designed with an open face and retainable walls that protect vegetation and natural elements. The Geoweb walls are structurally sound and produce great performance in different settlements, including soft soil environments.


Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC) tests that have been accredited by the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute – Laboratory.



Delivery & Installation

We deliver our products to your location from our Warehouses in Miami, and offer installation & professional consulting services.



We export products to control oil spills & soil stabilization, as well as, industrial hammers & heavy machinery for construction of harbors and roads. For more information regarding on our line of products and services.